We love shooting with our WA babe Michaela Bennett! We chat to Michaela about the international journey modelling has taken her on, from the young age of 16! With such a beautiful laid back energy, we were not surprised to discover her appreciation for work life balance and commitment to wellness practices, like hot yoga and vitamin supplements! Read more to find out her favourite travel destinations and plans for the year ahead, kicking her 2022 personal and professional goals!!

"I try to do hot yoga as much as possible, and taking lots of vitamins makes me feel my best! "

Your modelling portfolio shows us your talent and beauty has taken you on an impressive journey!! Was modelling always an interest of yours? When did you enter the industry?
Haha- it definitely wasn’t always an interest of mine! I started modelling when I was 16, I was scouted by a photographer on Facebook! I modelled in Perth for a year or two and when I finished school I moved straight to Sydney! Since then I’ve spent some time in Paris, Milan and London.
You're currently living in Perth! Have you always lived in Western Australia? Are there any other cities in the world you’d like to live in?
Yes I’ve always lived here and it’s my favourite place to be! I wouldn’t mind trying to live in the states but I really enjoy the work/life balance here!
We would love to get some insight into your life outside of modelling! How do you spend your free time? What would your ideal weekend involve?
I usually spend my free time catching up with family and friends, I work away quite a bit so try to spend my time at home with my people! I also love doing hot yoga when I’m home!
You mentioned modelling is no longer your full time job! What do you do for work outside of the industry?
I’m currently an Intervention Operator offshore! It has its challenging moments but I secretly love it haha!
Covid-19 has delayed so many travel plans! Have you travelled much in your life? Do you have a favourite destination? Where is next on your bucket list!!
I feel like my family did a lot of travelling throughout Australia as I grew up, then with modelling I got to see more of the world! My favourite place in the world is Turkey- it’s so amazing there! Next up I’ll be heading back to Indo!
We always have the best time shooting with you! You radiate such a beautiful energy and are so laid back! Do you focus on bringing wellness into your life? What are some things that bring you happiness?
Aw thank you! I love working with you guys! I try to have a lot of down time- working away definitely takes you away from reality. I try to do hot yoga as much as possible, and taking lots of vitamins makes me feel my best!
You are such a natural beauty!! Do you have a fitness routine? Is there anything in particular you do to feel and look so healthy?
I’m lucky that I’ve got a very physical job, that usually keeps me pretty fit. A good skincare routine also helps haha- sunscreen everyday!!
You look incredible in every swim piece you wear!! Do you have a favourite piece from the shoot?
Definitely the Bananas print! Also the Zebra I loved!
I can’t believe it’s already half way through the year! Are you looking forward to the rest of 2022? Did you set any personal or professional goals?
This year is going so ridiculously fast, I’m just working towards having even time at work so I get more time to explore the world. I also am trying to up-skill myself as much as possible!

Last song you played ?
So Far Away, Dire Straits
Last place you swam?
I think it was Trigg!
Last amazing meal you ate?
A chicken Soulvaki
Last shopping splurge?
Haha yesterday, I needed some new shoes!
Last workout?
Hot Yoga
Last time you felt or saw love?
All the time, I have a really good bunch of people and family around me.
Last time you felt super inspired?
Probably planning my trip to indo!